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Meet the Clarkes

Polaroid Clarke family images. Meet the clarkes

We are Tammi and Dave and we have two amazing children. We have worked hard our whole lives in an attempt to better ourselves and be the excellent role models our children deserve.


We have had tough times both individually and together like most but instead of allowing those times to get us down, we have decided to change the narrative.

Life is all about perspective, after all, we all get knocked down or knocked back. It's how you handle them knocks that count and at the end of the day, there is only YOU holding YOU back!

We have decided that we are not willing to wait until we are retired to live our lives, we want to enjoy them now with our children whilst we are still young and able to do so.


I am not saying this is going to be easy and it definitely won't run smoothly all of the time but does life ever?. Bearing this all in mind, we have come to the conclusion that too much time has already passed us by.


Like most, we have been stuck in a robot-like existence and it’s time to step out of our comfort zones and live rather than simply exist.

Those who know me, Dave and our youngest, in particular (our eldest is currently at university living her best life!) know that all we dream about is travelling and experiencing how other cultures live.


We love nothing more than going in search of local villages and towns when we are on holiday, eating the local food and listening to the local music. We always try our best to learn the basics of the language ..hello, goodbye, please, thank you ....and most importantly, please!

We love to speak to the locals and find out about their lives, the country they live in and the highs and lows they face daily. We pack our holidays with as much exploration as possible!


The only downside is we never have enough time, we always come home wishing we had seen or done more!

Our dreams are big, some have told us they are unachievable and there have been times when this has caused us to doubt ourselves.  That is until we saw this quote, which really resonated with me especially…

Dream so big, you get uncomfortable telling small-minded people’   - Author unknown.

We are aware it won’t be easy, stepping away from the norms of life but we have a plan and we are now on a mission to create the means!


This is why we started this blog, why we started our business and why we would like to, hopefully, help others to make their dreams come true by sharing tips and advice from our own journey!

Our first and most important tip is - Life is far to short and precious to waste. You only get one chance to be YOU! STOP living your life by others' standards.....Rule your own world!!

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